Sunday, April 26, 2009

Monster Cookie Ride

Quite possibly the dumbest name for a ride, but a lot of fun nonetheless. The Salem Bicycle Club puts on a well organized, if not completely packed, ride. My only complaint is the lack of road awareness so many of the riders have. There were packs of people riding two, three, often four riders across taking up the entire lane. I'm not sure if they realized the 62 mile ride was not going to be on closed roads, I would have thought the cars whizzing by would have tipped them off to that. Trying to pass was near impossible, even with a loud "on your left" warning. My favorite was the group of four riders inching up this hill, taking up the pavement from the center yellow to the white of the shoulder. Two of them turn around, make eye contact with the group I was in at the time--the group trying to haul ass up the hill, and they stay right where they were. Blocking the entire lane. Wait, correction, they may have slowed down actually at that time.

About 40 miles into the ride my legs turned to lead. Heavy lead tonnage. I went from averaging 19-20 mph to probably 15 or 16. I could barely just spin the pedals at one point. I was tired. My legs were tired. My back hurt. But I finished strong.

To finish off the day the Blazers lost. Meh.

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