Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Knot Stretching

You can take that homonym either way you read it. I went and did some tempo work tonight, one mile into it my left foot started to send shooting pain messages up my leg. I finished as much as I could and came home to stretch. I first used the stick, an item I wished I'd created and made money off of, but it was both really cold and was pinching my hairs on the upper leg (no, I don't shave above the knee for reasons such as blonde hair, baby fine hair and really what a waste of time to bother with it) so I moved on to the foam roller.

Holy shit.

I know what is causing the pain in my foot and possibly other regions of my body. I had knots up and down and side to side on my quads. At one point I was rolling up on the roller, hit a knot and nearly winced to the point of tears.

The loud and clear message given to me during my torture session was make sure you stretch sufficiently after each run and bike. No more half-assed pulling my foot up behind me as I lean against the light pole at the end of the run and calling it good. I can only assume if I continue with such technical and thorough stretching I'll be in a world of hurt and unable to complete this race.

Today's workout stats:
Warm up, ran 4x600m at nowhere near the required 8:50-9:15 pace--more like a 9:45-10 with 400 easy jogging between.

I felt very "heavy" today as I ran. I had breakfast for dinner (toast, eggs and bacon) and then went running 2 hours later, I felt like I had energy, which was awesome, but the energy was paired with a lumbering feeling.

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