Time. Some days I seem to have more of it than others. Some days it seems I run out of it faster. And some days I seem to waste a lot of it. When I talk with people who are training for a specific long course event, be it a marathon or triathlon, I find the topic of time dominates the conversation. What I've realized is that time has many faces and none of them are very pretty.
First is the obvious topic of how much time it takes to train. To be successful at this takes a large chunk of time commitment nearly each day. Time to swim, time to run, time to bike. Then it's time to stretch and eat properly. Then it's time to sleep enough. I am good at finding the time to eat and sleep, but not always good at finding the time to do my workouts. Is there a duathlon for eating and sleeping? If so, sign me up and I'm turning pro. After long days at work I don't always want to jump in the pool or go for that long run in the rain. Not to mention the amount of time spent on the bike trainer, somehow that time seems to drrrraaaaaaggggg on and on and on regardless of the movie or TV show I'm using to distract me from the clock. Please stop raining soon so I can go back outside.
So what happens? I find myself trying to find the time to cram in two days of workouts into one day (like today for instance, still need to complete the swim from yesterday and the run from Tuesday--little motivation this spring break). Instead of completing what I need to in the time allotted for it I have to find new time to fit more in, or I allow others to change what I have my time set aside for. Instead of doing what I know I should do (workout) I agree to last minute dinner plans, Blazers games, happy hour invites or other unplanned activities. While I know it's good to spend time with people and not plan your life out too much, it's also not good to skip workouts.
Of course there is the time to spend with your family and loved ones. Since my family doesn't live close I don't have to try and find time to see them weekly, but I wish I did have to do that. I do have to make sure to spend quality time with the Hot Tamale. Since he trains for full Ironman races his time is much more planned out than mine and I have to remember not to be selfish and want more of it than he can give right now, especially since I know the summer will be even worse leading up to Louisville. Sometimes that is hard though, I totally dig spending my time with him.
Then there's time you want to beat. Whether it's to PR my run, cut a minute from my Vancouver Lake TT, get down to at least a 40 minute open water swim or break 6 hours on my 70.3. Here's one way to try and do two of those:
This also has to do with time other than in terms of beating it, meeting it or chasing it. It's more time in terms of spending it making money. Is it worth it to work X amount of hours (like I have the time--or the stomach to figure out what my hourly rate is) to buy it? Is it worth the time I work to pay entry fees, plane tickets, hotel bills and restaurant checks? Only time will tell.
Time is on my side. Yes it is.
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